How to prepare South African braai

How to Prepare South African Braai

How to Prepare South African Braai Are you looking for how to prepare South African braai wherever you could be? Then you are in the right place. Backyard cookouts are becoming extinct in South Africa. In this instance, grilling is an essential component of the tradition known as a braai, which goes beyond simply frying […]

Serengeti National Park in Tanzania

What You Want to Be Aware of the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania

Serengeti National Park in Tanzania Even the word Serengeti National Park conjures up visions of boundless meadows teeming with wildebeest, savannas resounding with lion roars, and a breathtaking display of Africa’s pure magnificence. But there’s much more to this natural gem and UNESCO World Heritage Site than meets the eye.  1. A Land Shaped by […]

Visa-free travel to China

Why Visa-free travel to China is Great News!

Visa-free travel to China About a month ago a friend asked that we travel to China for holidays.  Although I loved the idea, and had thought about it prior to her request, my immediate response was that China is going to be a problem. Why? Because, as an Australian passport holder, I needed a visa […]

Best Bus Companies in Kenya

6 Best Bus Companies in Kenya in 2024

Best Bus Companies in Kenya Are you planning a long-distance journey and are trying to figure out the best bus companies in Kenya?  Well, there are several. Gone are the days when Akamba and Gateway Bus Companies dominated local and regional travel. Akamba, with its yellow colour, was iconic and highly visible. A  household name, […]

a group of people sitting in the grass

Lets Explore the Nairobi National Museum

Nairobi National Museum The first time I stepped into the Nairobi National Museum was in 2012. I was on a business visit to try and promote a community learning centre we ran at the time. A Kenyan host, who now lives in Germany, took me to the site and I was awed by the richness […]

Top Historical Sites in Ghana

Top Historical Sites in Ghana

Top Historical Sites in Ghana Ghana has an exciting history and historical sites that all visitors will find interesting. Powerful kingdoms such as Ashanti and Bonoman were the first to set up shop, leaving behind amazing art and buildings. Then colonial times rolled in, bringing both hardship and strength. However, in 1957, Ghana finally gained […]

Ethiopian Restaurants in Footscray

5 Amazing Ethiopian Restaurants in Footscray

Ethiopian Restaurants in Footscray Melbourne brings both pain and joy. So when I recently landed for the first time in almost 5 years, I immediately started feeling the pain. It was all coming back like it was only yesterday. But my pain suddenly subsided when I remembered African food in Footscray. I have been there […]

Eco-Friendly Fashion Brands to Support in West Africa

Eco-Friendly Fashion Brands to Support in West Africa

Eco-Friendly Fashion West Africa is a colourful patchwork of customs, civilisations, and unique clothing. Many West African designers are advocating for a more sustainable future due to the fashion industry’s increasing environmental impact on the world stage. These creative minds combine eco-friendly methods with impressive designs to create beautiful garments that are kind to the […]

What is Palm Wine

What is Palm Wine: A Refreshing Taste of West Africa

What is Palm Wine West African sunshine warms your skin, and the sky is painted in fiery oranges and deep purples. You’re relaxing under a giant palm tree, its leaves whispering secrets in the breeze. In your hand is a cool calabash cup filled with a cloudy, fizzy drink—that’s palm wine, a delightful treat that’s […]

Zanzibar's Romantic Escape

The Ultimate Honeymoon Destination: Zanzibar’s Romantic Escape

Zanzibar’s Romantic Escape Looking for the best honeymoon destination? Zanzibar’s romantic escape is the answer! This Tanzanian archipelago offers a perfect mix of cultural charm, stunning beauty, and unforgettable romantic experiences. Surrounded by the Indian Ocean’s turquoise waters and filled with historic sites and fragrant spice plantations, Zanzibar is the ultimate escape for couples. 1. […]

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