5 of the Cleanest Countries In Africa
In 2024, the world doubled down on environmental sustainability, with nations worldwide rolling out policies to combat pollution and promote ecological responsibility. Fast forward to 2025, and this green revolution is gaining momentum—especially in Africa, where several countries are emerging as global leaders in environmental conservation.
But how do we measure their progress? Enter the Environmental Performance Index (EPI), a groundbreaking tool developed by Yale University. The EPI ranks countries based on critical factors like air quality, water and sanitation, biodiversity, and overall sustainability. It also offers a clear picture of environmental policies’ effectiveness.
So, which African nations are leading the charge towards a greener, healthier future? Let’s find out which are the top 5 cleanest countries in Africa.
1. Gabon – EPI 53.1
A World Population Review suggests that Gabon leads with an EPI score of 53.1.
Why is that?
Well, for starters, Gabon stands out due to its policies and conservation efforts. This central African country has made substantial investments in preserving its rainforests. Oh, and did you know that these rainforests cover nearly 88% of its land area? Well, now you do.
The government has been proactive in reducing deforestation rates because this doesn’t just protect biodiversity, but also promotes sustainable logging practices. Even better, Gabon is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions through its low-carbon development strategy. This factor alone has positioned this country as a leader in Africa’s environmental landscape.
2. Zimbabwe – EPI Score 51.7
With an EPI score of 51.7, Zimbabwe comes in second place, demonstrating a strong commitment to environmental health and ecosystem vitality. Despite economic challenges, this country has prioritized sustainable agricultural practices, water conservation and wildlife protection.
Efforts to combat desertification through reforestation initiatives and the promotion of agroforestry have significantly contributed to its environmental performance. There’s more -, Zimbabwe’s dedication to conserving its rich biodiversity. They have iconic species like elephants and rhinoceroses, which underscores its commitment to sustainable development.
3. Botswana – EPI score 49.0
Botswana continues to be a beacon of environmental responsibility in Southern Africa, with an EPI score of 49.0. First, this beautiful country is renowned for its expansive national parks and wildlife reserves. Botswana has made significant strides in preserving its natural heritage. Not just that, their policy of high-value, low-impact tourism has greatly contributed to its economic growth while ensuring the protection of its pristine wilderness areas. That’s why Botswana is making efforts to combat poaching and a commitment to sustainable water management. Its focus particularly in the arid regions of the Kalahari desert has further solidified its status as Africa’s cleanest Country.
4. Seychelles – EPI Score 48.2
As an archipelago in the Indian Ocean, Seychelles boasts an EPI score of 48.2. This score reflects its strong environmental policies and commitment to marine conservation. The government has implemented several initiatives to protect coral reefs, marine life and coastal ecosystems.
There is tangible and significant progress in transitioning to renewable energy. These sources reduce the resilience of fossils, and fuels and promote sustainable tourism practices. The nation’s dedication to preserving its natural beauty and biodiversity, particularly in the face of climate change, makes it a model for other island nations.
5. Mauritius – EPI score 47.3
Mauritius rounds out the top five with an EPI score of 47.3 thanks to its comprehensive approach to environmental management. This breathtaking island has invested heavily in renewable energy which aims to reduce its carbon footprint and mitigate the impact of climate change.
By prioritizing waste management, water conservation and reforestation, Mauritius ensures the protection of its unique ecosystem. The government’s focus on sustainable development, coupled with efforts to promote eco-friendly tourism has helped maintain Mauritius’s reputation.
These Cleanest Countries in Africa Set a High Standard
These nations exemplify the progress made across Africa in environmental stewardship. Through dedicated policies and initiatives, they are not only preserving their natural resources but also setting benchmarks for sustainable development on the continent.